25 Secrets to Know Before Buying Fleet Management Software

Are you thinking to spend few hundred dollars or you are OK, also with few thousands (monthly?) and maybe even with few tens of thousands of dollars.

Source: www.opensecrets.org
Source: www.opensecrets.org

To be honest few hundred dollars won’t get you a very good software solution. Usually, this is where the software begin and you can get only the very basic solution.

This is OK if you are independent owner operator or you own a very small trucking company with the fleet of a couple of trucks.

As the company fleet expands there will be more and more tasks to handle and the list of requirements expected from software solution will continue to grow.

If you are small to medium trucking company you can expect to spend somewhere in the area of hundred up to few hundred dollars monthly to run your entire company operation with one Fleet Management Software.

2. Are You Willing To Invest In Hardware

Questions related to hardware investments required to have a full operating software were asked ten and even twenty years ago. Back in that time in order to have a fully operating Fleet Management Software you needed to invest in expensive equipment such as servers, data rooms, power, and cooling system.



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