General Construction Industry: Reveal How Profitable It Is

In general, we tend to conceptualize the productivity as a system.

This system has the power to transform the inputs into outputs.

So, the more increased productivity the general construction companies have, the more profit they will have.


In other words, what I’m trying to say is that productivity which is interconnected to the physical phenomena in a real process is equal to the profitability which is all about the money process.

Yet, why is it so important for general construction companies to reveal their profitability?

Determining, and moreover revealing the profitability can help construction companies to identify the monetary effects on their work.

Also, that way they will be in the position to distinguish those effects from the real performance and productivity.


Still the profitability of the general construction industry can be measured at different levels. Starting from the broad economy and industry levels, up to the employee levels.



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