Learn All About Bobtail Insurance

Learn All About Bobtail Insurance 

But in the trucking industry it refers to the bobtail truck. Just like the pet without the tail, so too is the bobtailed truck. It actually is a term for when the truck is in use without the trailer attached. So like the animal without its tail so is the truck without its trailer.

People often have the misconception that is easier and safer to drive this way. Well, anyone who has tried can tell you it isn’t, especially on wet surfaces. But wait! Aren’t the semi truck’s tires and brakes designed to handle 80,000 pounds when it comes to stopping? So why would it be an issue if the weigh was not there?

Well, it is hard to explain to someone who hasn’t driven a bobtail on a rainy day. The fact is, it’s much harder to slow and stop a trailer less truck because the missing weight makes for less traction on the rear wheels.

Learn All About Bobtail Insurance 
Source: www.blogsdir.cms.rrcdn.com


Think of it this way; why do most people put sand in the bed of their pick-up in the winter? To add weight, this increases the traction. You take the weight out and the light rear-end will slide all over the road.



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