Oil Field Trucking - The Most DANGEROUS Job in the Trucking Industry

Oil Field Trucking – The Most DANGEROUS Job in the Trucking Industry

Source: www.tsocorpsite.files.wordpress.com
Source: www.tsocorpsite.files.wordpress.com

Of course, there is more to consider than just this. The equipment they are around, the hazardous chemicals, and the extreme environments all combine in ways that a lot of regular truck drivers might not experience.

Oh, sure you’ll be around hazardous cargo, dangerous equipment and of course driving in winter weather, deal with mother nature and all her furry, but unless your hauling toxic waste, the risk is not as great as oil field trucking jobs.

Who Regulates This?

That is a valid question! If you’ve ever read my articles before you know I touch on this. After all, we have agencies to regulate the regulating agencies! We have tons of regulations filling numerous volumes; I won’t bore you with all that. Just know that it is well documented that oil field trucking is a dangerous occupation.

Source: www.madmackenzie.com
Source: www.madmackenzie.com

But, it is not just the oil field trucking, actually, anyone working in the Oil, Gas, and Mining (OGM) industry, has a higher risk of injury than most other career fields.

And much like any other industry, they have the standard laundry list of three letter organizations to help oversee and regulate them such as:



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