The Right Approach to Combat the Trucker Shortage Issue

So, let’s see what trucking companies can do in order to achieve a positive feedback in combatting trucker shortage!

Staying Ahead Of The Trucker Shortage

If we take a close approach to a trucker shortage, then we could understand the long-term complexities of its case.

Many trucking companies did not want to believe that trucker shortage is actually happening. Due to that beliefs, they thought that it was just a myth, and were not taking any steps further to improve it.


But, luckily this year we could notice that more and more trucking companies began seeing with their eyes wide open that staying ahead of the trucker shortage will bring them big benefits.

Hiring truck drivers these days is hard, but retaining one is even harder. Believe in this fact.

Somehow trucker shortage has become the new normal in the U.S. trucking industry. It has led to an escalation in truck driver turnover rate. As a result of that, a lot of trucking companies are forced to evaluate their methods of retaining, training and recruiting truck drivers.

What Is Causing Trucker Shortage

As we already know, a trucker shortage is numerous factors, including regulatory concerns, demographics, and bad work-life balance. Yet, one more factor that is contributing to the trucker shortage is the salary.



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