Fleet Tracking Legal Boundaries and GPS Tracking Employees Laws

In addition, there are key federal laws to comply with. As such are the following:

  • Stored Communications Act – applying to stored communications
  • Electronic Communication Privacy Act – applying to intercepting electronic communications in transit.

According to these laws, you are not allowed to look at another person’s private communications like email messages.

what are the most applicable GPS tracking employees laws
Source: www.youtube.com

However, there is an exception that probably many are unfamiliar with.

Generally speaking, these GPS tracking employees laws allow companies to monitor the systems for business purposes.

For instance, a case in the Supreme Court states that a police officer’s privacy was offended. Namely, the officer sent the message to another employer-owned pager.

However, his policy states that the department has the right to monitor the communications on the equipment.

State Laws Influence

Regarding the GPS tracker, there are different employees laws varying from state to state.



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