Kentucky Truck Show: 5 Trucking Industry Changing Trends You Need to Know

Source: Gizmag

Thereupon, the self-driving technology exists fo a decade in airplane industry, and shipping industry. But it still didn’t eliminate the need for pilots and ship captains. Ships can sail on their own on autopilot for decades, planes can fly and even land in same cases on auto pilot. Still, that technology didn’t eliminate people from controlling the planes and ships.

It is estimated that there is still 4 to 5 years of time required to have a really good and reliable self-driving technology that can be used in everyday life. Several companies are investing huge amounts into this space and betting they can develop reliable systems.

At the same time, there is a lot of legal and infrastructure modifications required to be done prior to full deployment.


This technology can’t be stopped but there is still a lot of work ahead to have it in every day use. I think car industry will introduce this technology much faster that trucking industry.



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