25 Constant Factors Affecting The Trucking Industry

25 Constant Factors Affecting The Trucking Industry

There is absolutely no control over what Mother Nature has in store. You can check the weather reports, you can plan accordingly, but no one truly knows!

Customers don’t want to hear that you were stopped because a flood washed out the road or the highway blocked because of a blizzard. They just want their stuff.

25 Constant Factors Affecting The Trucking Industry
Source: www.tmctrans.com


9. Trucking Industry Factors – Traffic Conditions:

Weather can be a major culprit with driving conditions. It can cause delays, accidents, and even prevent traffic from getting through.

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But the sad part is even on a sunny day you have to beware of the other drivers. They change lanes without looking, run stop signs, brake suddenly.

Then of course there is rush hour, and why do they call it that when all you do is sit in the same spot, no one is rushing anywhere!?

25 Constant Factors Affecting The Trucking Industry
Source: www.bloomberg.com


10. Trucking Industry Factors – Vehicle accidents:

Well, the weather and other drivers can cause you problems. But, unfortunately you or your driver might be the problem.

A minor fender bender may cause a slight delay while and overturned rig could prevent the delivery from ever being made.



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