5 Dangerous Signs That You Need To Inspect The Electrical Switches

Source: www.advice4all.altervista.org

Builder’s Grade Outlets

Builder’s grade outlets are usually popular due to their lower installation cost,  however, they are known as outdated or unsafe.

Even though they are used in many homes, they are still known to have poor quality. As an illustration, they have a lifespan shorter than 5 to 10 years.

Instead of installing the builder outlet, it is advisable to install commercial grade outlets instead. They are of higher quality because they last longer.

Electrical Outlets Are Not Tamper Resistant

Over the years and precisely in 2008, NEC has required all newly constructed homes to install tamper resistant outlets.

These outlets are manufactured with a shutter that allows a two-pronged plug into the receptacle in order to properly create a circuit.

Source: www.fthmb.tqn.com

For instance, if you have a young child who might play with the outlet, the shutter will not ope. On the contrary, it will require a proper contact to connect the electricity flow.



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