Oilfield Trucking Jobs VS OTR Truck Driving Jobs

Mostly the oilfield trucking jobs are concentrated in the huge west USA area. In fact, oilfield truck drivers are similar to OTR truck drivers if we take into consideration the fact that they are driving from town to town to follow their duties.

1. What Are The Duties Of Oilfield Truck Driver?

Yes, I mentioned before that oilfield trucking jobs are the ultimate challenge for truck drivers, but what exactly are the duties of oilfield truck drivers?

In general, the duties of oilfield truck drivers are the same no matter the type of oilfield transportation process they are taking part in. But they can vary dependently on the location where he is operating, as well as how long will the oilfield be active. Driving the truck through the muck is the base of oilfield trucking.

Source: www.sthresources.com
Source: www.sthresources.com

One of the reasons why I suggested you pose yourself the question: “Will driving in mud, ice, and snow, pose any problem for you?” is because most of the time oilfield truck drivers are spending driving in mud.



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