What is The Real Price of a Truck Driver Health Insurance?

What Determines The Price of Truck Driver Health Insurance?

Well, this is tricky. People that are inside of this industry shared with me that health insurance is one of the most complex systems on the market and that a number of factors that have the impact on health insurance price is very huge.


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But in most cases, there are things that we know that can affect the price of the health insurance. Some of them sound perfectly logical and make perfect sense if you ask me but in some cases, there is no logical connection if you ask me.


I leave that for you to decide. But here is the list of factors affecting the truck driver health care prices from the words of one health care insurance agent:

  • Age of theTruck driver;
  • Drivers’ health condition and hospital record;
  • Truck driver family health condition and is there any inherited diseases;
  • State from which truck driver comes from (for me this is weird but actually it is this way);
  • What kind of loads they transport;
  • In the case of need, what are the doctors they would like to visit? Tier 1 or lower?;
  • What is the amount of coverage and what is covered in the health care policy.;

So based on the things mentioned above you can conclude that the prices can very heavily. Yes, that is true. Prices can vary among the truck driver working for the same company for up to 50% and in some cases even more. For that reason negotiating a group policy that would cover all truck drivers and getting some discounts sounds like a good start.



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