Top 10 Trucking Companies in Washington

Load transportation in Washington is supported by more than 45,000 trucking and transportation companies which are the backbone of the state’s economy.

This list with top 10 trucking companies in Washington is made after long research and company comparison based on:

  • Fleet size;
  • Drivers;
  • Mileage by year;

Company history (existence on the market) and customer experience as well were included as factors and according to them; those trucking companies are placed here.

If you have the need of trucking company in Washington this article will be really helpful for you because here are listed the top 10 trucking companies in Washington. So let’s start!

10. Peninsula Truck Lines Inc.


 Since 1951, Peninsula Truck Lines is providing LTL trucking services on the West Coast. With coverage of almost 1000 cities and towns on the Pacific Coast, this company is successfully transporting a wide range of freights more than 60 years.



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