safest trailer door locks

Triple the Cargo Security with the best Trailer Door Locks

So, here are few tips that truck drivers can use in order to recognize when the risk of cargo theft is the highest:

  1. Thieves do attack during the weekends, actually, it is the most common time for cargo thefts;
  2. Truckers should never leave the trailer parked for 24hours or longer because thieves know how to identify the targets- and by leaving the trailer parked for so long truckers will just give them the needed time to break in the trailer door locks;
  3. As well, truck drivers should be alerted to their surroundings- carrier terminals and rest stops with poor lighting are the perfect chance for thieves to attack your trailer;

In addition, you can see how truck drivers can take a proactive action in protecting the cargo.

First and foremost, truck drivers should fuel up their truck before they head up to pick up the loads. Also, they should try to back up against a wall when they make a stop. That way they will prevent access to trailer door and trailer door locks.




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