Ultimate Truth: Trucker Tattoos and Trucking Companies Tattoo Policy

3. Can Trucker Tattoos Be Bareer To Hiring Drivers According To Trucking Companies Tattoo Policy

Since there are still taboos about tattoos in the trucking industry, straight proportionally truck drivers get to ask themselves the following question: Can trucker tattoos be bareer to hiring according to Trucking Companies Tattoo Policy?

Unfortunately, many truck drivers were not expecting a negative answer, but yet here it is, trucker tattoos can be a barer to hiring (in some  of the largest trucking companies in the USA-of course if they are on visible spots).

No matter how creative and artistic tattoo a truck driver might have, still it can interfere in his process of getting a job as a company truck driver.

Source: www.nextluxury.com
Source: www.nextluxury.com

We all have heard our grandmas saying that no one will ever hire a person who has a tattoo, and not only that we have heard that, but also, we have laughed about it. Still, although time has passed by and things are slightly changing, it turns out that she has some point in saying that.

Trucking Companies Tattoo Policy are strict enough, but on the other hand, there are no national laws which are stopping the employers to ban tattoos in every workplace. It is happening in the trucking industry on a daily basis that a truck driver gets fired, or does not get hired because of face tattoos, which cannot be hidden.


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So, if you want to be part of the trucking industry and work as a company truck driver, then you shall take all things into consideration before entering the tattoo studio. Think wisely about which part you of the body you are going to choose to tattoo.



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