10 Hidden USA Trucking Secrets

10 Hidden USA Trucking Secrets

Source: www.truckingnews.com

The reason for that lies in the fact that we buy more and more stuff ever years and that average number of items purchased per person in one year is growing constantly. More and more things are available trough the online stores (Amazon, Jet, Walmart Online, Alibaba) and people are becoming used to that kind of purchasing.

That lead us to dramatic increase in parcel shipping over the last 5 years and for that reason more and more trucks are required t o serve people and their newly developed purchasing habits.

3. USA Trucking Secret: Trucking Industry Is Slow With Changes

It is a giant and it is completely normal that changes are slowly coming into this industry because in reality every big industry changes slowly and that is OK. Maybe. A lot of changes are happening in the last few years and a lot of industries are being disrupted and changed completely how we rent place to stay (AirBnB) or how we drive in Taxi (Uber) and there is some signs of changing in the trucking industry as well.



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