5 Impacts On The Automotive Industry

In addition to the previously mentioned technological discoveries from Tesla Motors, I must add up that Tesla’s autopilot system can break, accelerate, as well as steer by itself without the help of a driver.

In addition, all these autonomous features are possible thanks to the use of sensors and cameras that are guiding the car.

Smart Dashboards

Smart dashboards do come with a variety of features.

Starting from GPS features- such as finding maps, playing music, up to integrating with your smartphones and reading out your text messages and answering calls.

Simply said, smart dashboards are becoming one of the most popular additions for car manufacturers these days.

Source: www.ralphs.ca

In addition, the companies that have played a significant role in these technological impacts for the automotive industry are the following:

These are the two biggest players that are providing innovative impacts on the automotive industry.



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