CDL Training In Winter - Pros and Cons

CDL Training In Winter – Pros and Cons


Like I said getting your CDL can be viewed as either a pro or a con. But let’s get on with some of the other issues that might be considered a pro or a con.

CDL Training in Winter Pros

One of the first things that come to light is the class size and/or availability of class dates. Contrary to popular belief, you can’t just walk up and say, “Teach me to drive”. It just doesn’t work that way.

You need to register and most of the legitimate schools will conduct a quick background and review your driving record.

Something many people might consider a plus is the temperature. It won’t be hot, humid, or infested with things like mosquitoes. Of course if you train in South Texas it will be warmer that the Dakotas. But either way they won’t be as hot as July and August can get.

But, there will be less people attempting to get their CDL in winter! People don’t like the cold and they tend to wait until the weather is better.

Also, there are several major holidays and school breaks throughout the winter. That is when most people would rather be with their family.

This of course will offer the possibility of smaller class size which will offer greater attention to you as the new student.

They say a good class should be around 4 students to one instructor, but the more they have, the less they can pay attention to you on an individual level.



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