Benefits of Locking Fuel Cap

Discover The Ultimate Benefits of Locking Fuel Cap

And they can prevent someone from stealing and/or tampering with your fuel. An added bonus is they can increase the efficiency of the fuel and aid in your engine’s ability to operate properly.

Did you know that you’re likely to lose about 30 gallons of gas in a single year if you drive around without a functional gas cap? That’s a lot of valuable fuel and hard-earned dough down the drain.

According to Sun Oil Company research, a vehicle with a missing or inoperative fuel cap will allow 176 pounds (22 gallons) of gasoline to evaporate over the period of one year. Don’t let that person to be you!

Benefits of Locking Fuel Cap3Source:

Who knew that something so basic could actually be so important?

Of course there are numerous designs available depending on the company who made your truck. It also depends on the company that creates the aftermarket items. And depending on what you want and can afford.

Do you want something that just plugs the hole? Hopefully not. Do you want one that can be locked? Do you want one that can actually register your fuel consumption? What about one that is siphon proof?



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