traffic jam and trucking methods

Life-Changing Trucking Ways to Survive the Christmas Haulage Chaos!

Let me be more precise. The U.S. trucking industry is divided into four season, and the fourth season which includes the holidays has always been and will be the slowest one for trucking companies.

Here is the division of the seasons in the trucking industry:

  1. Season One- Starts from January through March- Throughout this period of time the trucking industry is pretty much quiet;
  2. Season Two- Starts from April through July- This season can be seen as a busy one, which means that having available trucks can be a bit of a hassle;
  3. Season Three- Starts from August to October- Season three is also called a peak shipping season;
  4. Season Four- Starts from November to December- This period of time is known also as Holiday season, and it is the busiest for the trucking industry and trucking companies. During season four, the shipments are being delivered in a slower way than usually are;

Trucking Companies Should Prepare Their Fleet for Long Days of Travel

The lifestyle that truck drivers are leading is very hard throughout the whole year, but especially during season four.



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