Load Canceling – Big Mystery Problem In US Trucking

Load Canceling - Big Problem In US Trucking
Source: www.dtrucks.com

Usually when they get you a load they would quit asking other companies to get a quote from them. But not now anymore, despite covering that load with you they continue to ask other companies for a quote and they want to get better price. Since the market is going trough the rough time there is always near to bankrupt trucking company that will take the load for ridiculously low price.


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This way brokers make a bit more money and they are happy. I know for a fact that this happens in some cases up to 50% per day. Literally every second load gets canceled in some days making trucking companies, dispatchers and drivers really frustrated.

Also I need to say that in some cases it is not only brokers to blame there is some situations where trucking companies cancel the load to them and that is also a situation where they loose a lot of money but this articles is not about that.

Who Is Responsible For The Costs Generated Due To Canceled Load

Usually the broker will pay the cancelation fee to you but I’d also like to warn you that there is still a lot of brokers on the market that will not do that so please be aware and maybe it would be good for you to focus on the good and trusted brokers that have been in business for a long period of time. The fee you can expect to get from broker is usually $150 which is not even close enough to cover the costs.



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