Team Truck Driving – All Secrets Revealed

In general, the most highly prized characteristic of team truck drivers is reliability. That is so, mainly because you as a team truck driver, will have to share the truck and duties with another trucker, and there will be times when he will have to count on you and vice versa. And to be sincere, you cannot rely on every person.


To put it another way, even though you haven’t experienced how it is to drive with a teammate, I strongly believe that you have a mix of reliable and unreliable people in your life.

Thereupon, you must have noticed that reliable people have come through time and time again, and have made their promise into reality. Whereas, there are unreliable people who might come through sometimes, but are still not trustworthy.

So, reliability is one of the five basic personality dimension, and as such it reflects how disciplined, organized, and careful someone is. This is the main reason why you should choose a reliable teammate with whom you are going to spend your days.

3. Variety of Teams

Many people choose team truck driving because being in the truck for weeks, and sometimes months can be hard and lonely.



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