Truck Stop Prostitution - Gigantic Myth or Reality?

Truck Stop Prostitution – Gigantic Myth or Reality?

The modern truck stops want to maintain clean, friendly and family service to their customers. This is the reason that they want to get rid of any signs that can destroy their reputation.

To get rid of the truck stop prostitution they are installing cameras or security fences

Some of the truck stops to prevent truck stop prostitution have their own 24/7 security. All of these preventing measures are proved as pretty effective of stopping truck stop prostitution.

What Are Lot Lizards

As I mentioned in my previous articles there are a lot of great things about the trucking world but sadly there are a lot of negative and shady things that no one wants to talk about. One of those things is the truck stop prostitution.

Truck Stop Prostitution - Gigantic Myth or Reality?

The question is what are lot lizards? Well, the term lot lizard presents a person that goes from truck to truck like a lizard that goes from rock to rock.

It refers to a prostitute that goes from truck to trucks offering sexual services (commercial services) to the truck drivers that are parked in the parking lot.



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