Trucks and Fashion

10 Badass Trucks and Truckers Fashion Secrets

Water resistant work boots are the best (a lot of people add sole inserts for extra cushion).

Trucks and Fashion 5Source:

You got to have a few good hats. The standard trucker hat (ball cap), is great for keeping the sun, sweat, or rain out of your eyes.

A good rain coat, which can double as a windbreaker, is a must. Some kind of boot that protects the toes and ankle is not demand but preferable, if you ask me.

Leather (reinforced) work gloves, can also serve to both protect and keep your hands warm.

We should not live behind unmentioned, the importance if not even necessary in this day of age; the electronic gadgets as an accessory.  All joking aside, life on the endless routes for weeks or even months without this type of accessory can be a total disaster.


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Truck drivers are loners on the road. This way, with all that modern technology, they get a chance to be with a virtual company, enjoying their free time after finishing for the day, using phones, tablets, portable (mobile) TV, relaxer massager, and all those other things existing out there on the market nova days.

Trucks as models

Most everyone takes pride in their workplace. Maybe at first you had to share, hot seat from one to another. But as time goes on, (and if you’re careful with your budget) the dream of your own rig can be a reality.



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