Your Checklist For Trucking Permits And Licenses

Therefore, the Unified Carrier Registration Act is replacing the former system for registering and collecting fees from the operators of the vehicles engaged in the interstate travel.


It is also known as the Single State Registration System.

Also its aim is to verify the active insurance coverage in each state where a motor carrier is operating.

If you want to get more information about this and more trucking permits and licenses, I would suggest you to visit your home state’s Department of Transportation website.

Trucking Permits and Licenses Tip No.4: Get an International Registration Plan IRP Tag

The International Registration Plan IRP Tag is in fact a registration reciprocity agreement among the states of the USA, Canada as well as the District of Columbia.

Moreover, the main aim behind the International Registration Plan is providing for payment of apportionable fees of the total distance operated in all jurisdictions.



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