20 Things Every Trucking Office Needs To Have

20 Cheap Items Every Trucking Office Needs To Have

5. Ensure Your Trucking Office has a Dispatcher’s office

This is vital for any trucking office. Many of your staff can have shared space. It is very common for offices (and personnel) to perform double duty, especially for smaller or newer business.

But your dispatcher really needs his/her own operations area. Dealing with all that they have to deal with on a daily bases, like freight finder procedures and their implementation in the company for finding a good loads, are not as easy as one will thought.

If possible, separate temperature control because of the additional equipment.

20 Things Every Trucking Office Needs To Have
Source: www.tenfourmagazine.com

6. Ensure Your Trucking Office has Administrative Offices

Even in smaller operations the trucking office needs administrative staff. They need an office space away from the drivers and operations. They handle a lot of sales, accounting and employee issues that don’t need to be shared with everyone, especially customers.


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They will need cabinets that are lockable, to secure sensitive proprietary information when they are in a hard copy example.

7. Ensure Your Trucking Office has a Semi-Private Reception Area

If at all possible, having a reception space separate from all the other activities is best. Not all trucking offices are designed with such a space. It is good to keep visitors, deliveries, potential customers, and even job applicants away the action.



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