7 Landscaping Trends For 2019

However, it seems this belief is quickly vanishing. In these busy times, people value the time they can spend with friends and family. When you hire a service professional what you are really buying is more time.


Customer expectation management and communication is key to landscaping trends in the day to day operations.

In fact, you have to be able to manage customer expectations and explain how things like weather affect your schedule.

Therefore, set expectations at the beginning of the client relationship and that will save you money by keeping up with the landscaping trends.

There is nothing more important than communicating with your clients and doing it on a consistent basis.

4. Improved Battery Powered Equipment

With the advent of battery power equipment being introduced over the past couple of years, there is a great improvement in this technology.

With all the major landscaping equipment dealers like Dewalt, Echo, and Stihl, you have an insane market competition.



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