Top 10 Trucking Companies In Louisiana


The trucking industry in Louisiana is experiencing significant growth in the last decade. Due to the expanding of this industry, the State of Louisiana has increased the transportation funding.

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Were you aware of the fact that Louisiana has allocated $36 million to a new interchange?

Moreover, the aim of this funding is to make driving safer for truckers that are operating in Louisiana. In general, Louisiana’s truck drivers are well protected by The Louisiana Motor Transportation Association and the Transportation Security Administration.

In the foreground, I decided to dedicate this article to the top 10 trucking companies in Louisiana, because I want to bring closer to you all the facts and figures about the activity, the trucking companies, and truck drivers that are part of this fast-growing industry.

Let’s take a look!

1. Acme Truck Line Inc.

I would like to start speaking about the top 10 trucking companies in Louisiana by mentioning Acme Truck Line Inc.; the services that this trucking company is providing are in fact the most demanded by customers in Louisiana.



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