10 Best Free Truck Driving Schools

10 Best Free Truck Driving Schools

Is this industry really the right choice for you? If it is, but you lack the funds to pay for it, then you’ll just have to pursue a program offered by an actual trucking company.

One thing for sure, being truck driver can be cool!

How Do They Operate?

The basic answer is simple. If you are selected, they provide you the training needed. At the end you get your CDL, lots of practice, and a job. Well that sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? Remember, if you choose this route you are then committed to work for that company for a period of time.

Get FREE White Paper - How To Get Company Sponsored CDL Training

However, there are several different options; the following are the most common. Some schools offer reimbursement, which basically means you attend trucking school and you pay for it.

After you successfully pass all the requirements, the company will pay you back for cost of the school.

Another option is where they provide the training but deduct the cost from your pay until the school fees are covered, while others cover it all, you just need to shop around and find the one that suits you best.

10 Best Free Truck Driving Schools 5Source: www.usatruckdrivingschools.com

In most cases there is the contractual obligation I’ve mentioned, the length of which can vary from 12 -24 months usually, but they do vary. Most have a clause that will allow you to break your contract, with a penalty.



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