10 Best Reality Trucking TV Shows Ever

Well speaking of the very first episodes of this reality trucking TV show we must look back and take into appreciation the 1980 Kenworth K-100 Aerodyne trucks.

Source: www.pinterest.com
Source: www.pinterest.com

The whole content that was presented in American Trucker is in fact a summary of Robb’s knowledge and experience. In each episode Robb presents and shares useful tips and tricks that everyone that is operating in the trucking industry should know.

Moreover, the host and all the people that stand behind this reality trucking show completely understand the demands and difficulties that truck driver’s lifestyle brings. Therefore, they have tried to bring this lifestyle closer to their viewers.

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In details this reality trucking TV show features the process of transportation operations altogether with truck drivers’ routes, as well as the locations of load pickups and deliveries.

All in all, we can say without a doubt that this is one of the best reality trucking shows that shows the real picture of truck drivers’ strength.

4. Truck Stop USA

Truck Stop USA or previously known as “Truck Stop Missouri” is a unique reality trucking TV show. This show features a Midway Truck Stop that is running 12 businesses on 1 lot.



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