10 Best Trucking Companies in Ohio

10 Best Trucking Companies in Ohio

3. Dick Lavy Trucking Inc.

Dick Lavy Trucking was formed as a family trucking company, nowadays it is existing and operating in the trucking industry for more than 20 years. This company is among the best trucking companies in Ohio.

10 Best Trucking Companies in Ohio
Source: www.dicklavytrucking.com


This is one of those companies that is constantly implementing new technologies, and is adapting to customers needs. Therefore, being committed to excellence this company is going in the direction of success.

Dick Lavy Trucking is achieving continuous success by committing themselves to provide safe conditions- safe trucks for their truck drivers. The truck drivers are enjoying the benefit of driving new and safe truck.

10 Best Trucking Companies in Ohio
Source: www.dicklavytrucking.com


Henceforth, the employees of this company are functioning and operating by giving respect to one another and to their customers, they are functioning like one big family. Straight away with the growth and stability of the trucking industry in USA has come the improvement of this company.

Dick Lavy Trucking Company has a large fleet:



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