amazing GPS facts

23 Short GPS Facts to Truly Blow Your Mind


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On the other hand, we have the second space component- it is the control segment. This segment is composed of a series of ground stations. These ground stations are used in the process of interpretation and reliability of the satellite signals. In general, the ground stations include the following points:

  • Alternative master control station;
  • 12 ground antennas;
  • Master control station;
  • 16 monitoring stations;

To continue with the third component- which is the user segment. The user segment is the does involve various receivers from all different types of industries. That is to say, there can be GPS users from:

  • National security;
  • Surveying;
  • Mapping;
  • Space;
  • Agriculture and so on;

3. How Positions Are Determined

The key to determine the positions on Earth is the actual distance to the satellite and its range.

In regards to the time, it can be related to the following formula:

  • Range Velocity Time– the range is the actual distance from the receiver to the satellite, whereas on the other hand, the velocity equals the speed of the light and the time that it takes to synchronize the satellite signal with the receiver;

Yet, the key to measuring the range remains to be the accurate timing. Provided that the accurate timing is being provided by the atomic clocks.



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