amazing GPS facts

23 Short GPS Facts to Truly Blow Your Mind



Generally speaking, the earth has three dimensions, which means that we would have the need of only three satellites to cover our area. Especially, it is the case when it comes to calculating 2D positions- that include the latitude and the longitude.

In addition, if the user has the need of 3D positioning the GPS will have the need of four or even more satellites.

Yet, why is there a need for more satellites? Why four?

Well, there is a need for more satellites so that it can determine the right intersect.

Nonetheless, I must not forget the GPS receiver clock.

So, once the satellites do their job, straight proportionally the GPS unit will be in the position to calculate all information. Starting with speed information, trip distance, as well as distance to destination.

All in all, we can see that the GPS position determination is based on a concept termed time of arrival ranging.

4. There are a total of 31 Satellites

The total number of Satellites that enable the GPS tracking device to work count to 31.



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