8 Things To Do To Prevent Truck Drivers Leaving Your Company

In the end, the honesty, in particular, is one way to prevent truck drivers leaving your company.

2. Prepare Vacation Budget for Them

Some companies would say that the truck drivers are paid enough in order to get vacation budget from their own salaries.

Whether this is true or not, implementing this offer in your plan will definitely stop truck drivers leaving your company.

To be honest, this is one of the most important plans that a company owner needs to think of and review.

Source: www.linkedin.com

In particular, there are several ways in which vacation budget can be implemented.

  • Dedicating $50 to the special budget released once a truck driver decides to go on vacation
  • 1% gross revenue which driver makes
  • Prearranged trip contracts with travel agencies for your truck drivers

The above-mentioned plan is only a suggestion how actually other trucking companies do.

Source: www.landcruisingadventure.com



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