How To Choose Best Windshield Liquid

How To Choose Best Windshield Liquid

Without windshield liquid and a wiper system failure, you are stuck in that place until you fix the problem because eventually, the windshield will lose the visibility. All this may entail additional repair shop cost for the truck to remove the defect.

Also using only water it will allow the rusting process and it will lead to system clogs.

Use Windshield Liquid that Contains Alcohol

If you use windshield reservoir that is not containing alcohol in the content the reservoir can be exposed on bacterias like Legionella which is causing Legionnaire’s disease that attacks the lungs and sometimes the heart. The Symptoms are:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Chest pain …

How To Choose Best Windshield Liquid

Let be honest would you risk going through this pain? Protect the washing system with windshield liquid that contains alcohol and protect yourself from a toxic mixture that is sprayed on the windshield but is getting in contact with you trough the air ventilation.



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