How To Make A Perfect Truck And Trailer Wash

How To Do A Perfect Truck And Trailer Wash

Difference Between Trailer Wash And Trailer Washout

Wondering if there is a difference between trailer wash and trailer washout? Which one is the best choice for you? The correct answer is yes, there is a difference between trailer wash and trailer washout. Dependently from the goods that you are transporting in the trailer can determine in a great measure which one is the best choice for you.

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If you are wondering which are the different steps of trailer wash and trailer washout , I will explain it to you further in the article. Now to begin from the fact that trailer wash is done in order to disinfect the exterior and the interior of the trailer. When doing the trailer washing more attention is paid to the exterior of the trailer.

Whereas trailer wash is mostly for the outside of the trailer , the trailer washout is dedicated to the detail disinfection of the interior of the trailer. The difference of doing a trailer wash and trailer washout is that:

  • When performing trailer wash on the inside , it is done with the regular procedure plus disinfectant that is not that strong, and that just is not enough for achieving the ultimate clean trailer.
  • Similarly the trailer washout is performed like the trailer wash , except that there are few advanced methods of cleaning the trailer and that stronger disinfectants are being used.

Trailer Wash

Trailer wash is done in order to disinfect the exterior and the interior of the trailers. In order for the trailer to be in a good condition it should be washed regularly and in that process should be included rinse of the floor. How often trailer wash should be done depends mostly from the type of goods that it is transporting.

How To Make A Perfect Truck And Trailer Wash

For example- If a truck is transporting food , it is the best to do trailer wash after each transportation. That is so because the rules and regulations for transportation of food and drinks are very strict and rigorous.

Trailer wash is commonly done in 5 steps:



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