
Truck Tire Repair – All Secrets Revealed

  • Provide stable road connection and protects the truck from road sliding.
  • Bold truck tires cannot provide a firm resistance on the concrete which makes the breaking longer and unstable.

Rotate Your Tires Regularly To Prevent Truck Tire Defects

Truck tires with uneven wear lead to catastrophes. If the tire wearing is not even on the entire surface the truck will shift to the front.

The rotation of the truck tires every 6,000 miles will balance the truck wear on each tire. For example, the engine of the truck gives additional pressure on the front tires and gives higher wearing on them. If you leave those tires only on the front side without performing a rotation the truck will be lower on that side and that will be a reason for truck shifting to the front side.

Don’t Overload The Truck

Truck Tire Repair All Secrets Revealed

Every semi truck is performing safely on specific pressure so if you overload the truck you will lose the control which can cause freight instability and danger transportation. I will also remind you here of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, The Department of Transportation (DOT), Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA regulations and what will happen if the road inspection stops you while driving overloaded vehicle. You cannot avoid penalty but more important it will affect on the trucking company safety record.



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