dishonest truck mechanics in a truck repair shop

Dishonest Truck Mechanics- Trucking Industry Big Problem

Some truck mechanics these days are accustomed to misdiagnosing some truck issues that are in fact not that faulty, or not faulty at all. Yet, in some states in the USA, there are laws that are not allowing this type of issues.


For example, if a truck driver in Michigan leaves his truck for repair, and it happens that he is overcharged, then he is in the legal position to file a lawsuit against it.

Henceforth, when you are looking forward to finding the best truck mechanics and a repair truck shop you should check the following things:

  • Whether there is a clean lot with plenty of turnovers;
  • Try to get in touch with the mechanics;
  • Check the guy that sits behind the shop’s front counter and makes the estimation and repair bills;

Nevertheless, you should keep in mind that truck mechanics will suggest replacement of as many non-defective parts that they can. All with the aim to gain more money.



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