Fueloyal GPS Tracking System

GPS Tracking System: 10 Important Features To Look For


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But, what does geofence represents?

The most precise definition of a geofenced would be a virtual perimeter for a real-world geographic area.

So, straight proportionally, geo-fences can be dynamically generated via the GPS tacking system. The geo-fence can be generated in a radius around a store or point location.

Moreover, geofenced features can be as well a set of predefined boundaries- such as are the neighborhood boundaries.

Source: www.webcomsystem.net

Thereupon, GPS tracking systems that have enabled these two features can trigger alert to the device’s user in the form of message to the geo-fence operator.

Yet, Geofencing is considered to be critical to telematics!

Simply said, fleet managers are looking forward to buy GPS tracking system with Geofencing, because that way they can monitor the best their truck drivers and trucks.

Moreover, it is both beneficial for truck drivers as well. The geofenced feature is allowing truck drivers to quickly and easily set up geographic boundaries around specific areas.

GPS Tracking System Feature No.5: Driver Dispatching

Since trucking companies are dispatching drivers in the field from the start up to the final location, straight proportionally they should make sure that the tracking system you are going to buy will provide features that make driver dispatching easy for you.



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