Oilfield Driving Jobs – 10 Incredible Facts

It is understandable for people that are not engaged in the trucking industry to think that the tanker trucks are the only means of oil transportation.

Yet, truck drivers know that when they search for oilfield trucking jobs, they get to encounter numerous opportunities for oilfield driving jobs that include driving flatbeds, tankers and many other types of class 8 trucks.

In fact, oilfield driving jobs include as well vacuum trucks and swab rigs.

Source: www.paceoilfieldhauling.ca
Source: www.paceoilfieldhauling.ca

In reality, vacuum trucks are very common in oilfield truck driving jobs. The reason why these trucks are very common in the petroleum industry is because they can suck all types of liquid, and other types of materials into a large tank.

On the other hand, we have the swab rigs. Swab Rigs are yet another specialty oil industry trucks.

Thereupon swab rigs are performing the job by swabbing, that is to say, the cable of the swab rig is releasing pressure in the hole, it is the main and the most important function that made swab rigs part of the oil transportation industry.



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