Truck Drivers TicketsX Truck Drivers Tickets - Killer Of Every Trucking Company

Truck Drivers Tickets – Secret Trucking Company Killer

Whatever the reason might be, it happens. Usually it can be prevented. Taking the time to fill out your logs in a timely manner is better than playing catch-up. Observe the speed limits, if need be contact your dispatch and let them know if you’re a little behind.

Do whatever it takes, and try to follow the instructions, because, the cost of a ticket is far more than time.

What is the cost?

The cost of a ticket is more than just the fine and the time spent dealing with the police or other enforcement agent. It can actually cost the driver his/her job. It can cost your company contracts/customers. We all know that a DUI will cost the driver his/her license and such.

But, what about the delay in getting the freight to its destination! Plus the added cost if the truck and trailer were impounded? That is the obvious example, of course. But even speeding tickets and citations and penalties for being overweight can cause huge hassles.

Truck Drivers Tickets 4Source:

Something that perhaps many people don’t know is that, in many places, stricter legislation has been passed. If you are given a ticket, not only is it recorded but it is reported to the employer as well. Furthermore, in most places getting a ticket in your private vehicle is treated the same as getting one in your commercial vehicle! Truck drivers actually have the potential to lose their very livelihood.



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